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What is an Ethereum address?

An Ethereum address is a 42-character hexadecimal address derived from the last 20 bytes of the public key controlling the account with 0x appended in front. e.g., 0x71C7656EC7ab88b098defB751B7401B5f6d8976F. Basically, the Ethereum address is the "public" address that you would need to receive funds from another party through the Ethereum network.

How many addresses are there on the Ethereum blockchain?

The chart shows the total distinct numbers of address on the Ethereum blockchain and the increase in the number of address daily. Highest increase of 355,726new addresses was recorded on Thursday, January 4, 2018 Lowest increase of 41new addresses was recorded on Thursday, August 6, 2015 Download: CSV Data(Attribution Required)

Is it safe to send money to an Ethereum address?

Ethereum addresses have a public key and private key. Then, for various reasons, the to keys go into a function that makes a shorted, 20-bytes Ethereum address which is safe to pass around. E.g. send money to my address, "0x123..."

What is a Ethereum wallet?

A wallet is a product that lets you manage your Ethereum account. It allows you to view your account balance, send transactions, and more. Most wallet products will let you generate an Ethereum account. So you don't need one before you download a wallet. There are a few ways to interface and interact with your account:

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